NN at Delft Career Days


On 19 February, NN joined the Orientation Days of Delft Career Days (DCD). The Orientation Days are part of the largest technical career fair in the Benelux region, where both students and companies meet and find the best match for technical internships, jobs, and graduation assignments. 

Why NN joins this event 

As the largest technical career fair in the Benelux region, DCD attracts over 150 companies and thousands of students of the TU Delft yearly. NN showcased our organisation and career opportunities at the event. At our booth, attendees could learn more about our culture, values, and the work we do. A few of our colleagues ,who studied at TU Delft, shared their experiences working at NN, the projects they have worked on, and career growth opportunities they have had. We were happy to see the serious interest of 40 students in working with us, inspired to consider working at NN with a technical background. Stay tuned for more updates and future opportunities to meet us!

Are you a technical student looking for internships, traineeships or a starter's position? Read more on our Young Professionals page.

More information about the Orientation Days 
The Orientation Days • Delft Career Days (tudelft.nl) 




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