
Welcome at NN!

We place great value on giving new employees a warm welcome. On this page, we explain what our onboarding process looks like when you join us. Our onboarding is designed to make you feel at home quickly and to support you as you start. From day one, you will receive a comprehensive introduction programme, where you will get to know our culture, values, and ways of working. We ensure that you have all the tools and information you need to be successful. Our hybrid working environment offers you the flexibility to work both from home and in the office. We see the office as a place for meetings, collaboration, and creativity. We regularly organise events and activities to help you get to know your colleagues better and expand your network.

We believe that a good start lays the foundation for a successful career. Therefore, we invest in an onboarding process that enables you to bring out the best in yourself and feel at home at NN quickly.

 Welcome on board!

Congratulations on your new job! We look forward to your arrival. Starting a new job always takes some getting used to. Feeling welcome depends on having positive experiences in your first few months. Our onboarding programme helps new colleagues find their way.

The NN Onboarding App

Shortly after you start, you will receive an email with the login details for our Onboarding app. Here, you will easily discover everything about NN, our ‘Supporter of Change’ culture, and practical matters.


Just before your first day, you will receive an email with useful information about your first day at work. For example, where and with whom to check in, and what to bring on your first day. In the meantime, we are busy preparing for your arrival.

First work day 

It’s finally here, your first day at work! You’ll pick up your laptop from the IT Service Desk and meet your colleagues. Don’t forget to bring your ID for your temporary access pass. In your mailbox, you’ll find an email with information about your onboarding and invitations to all onboarding sessions.

Oath or Pledge

Did you know that at NN, you take an oath or pledge? With this moral-ethical declaration, we want to show that we stand for an honest way of working, putting the customer’s interests at the heart of everything we do.

We will continue to support you!

After your first week, your onboarding with us continues. Your colleagues are always ready to help you, and you can find answers to all your HR or IT questions in our online environments. Best of luck and welcome to NN!

Questions? Contact us!

#1 De sfinx van De
Apr 1 . Het geheim van

Ook te beluisteren op Spotify en Apple Podcasts.

#1 De sfinx van Delft

De Meester van het licht schilderde niet voor de roem. Zijn kunstwerken waren amper te zien voor het grote publiek. Daardoor verdiende hij niet veel. Hoe kwam hij dan aan die peperdure verf? En voor wie schilderde hij het Meisje met de parel?

#2 Het mysterieuze
Apr 1 . Het geheim van

Ook te beluisteren op Spotify en Apple Podcasts.

#2 Het mysterieuze Meisje

Wie is het Meisje met de parel? Hoe oud is ze? Waar komt ze vandaan? Waarom heeft Vermeer juist haar geschilderd? Verraadt haar oorbel haar pikante levensstijl? En wie is dat andere Meisje met de parel in Amerika?

#3 De grote wereld
Apr 1 . Het geheim van

Ook te beluisteren op Spotify en Apple Podcasts.

#3 De grote wereldster

Het Meisje is overal. Van over de hele wereld komen er mensen speciaal naar het Mauritshuis om haar in de ogen te kijken. En toch had het niet veel gescheeld, of niemand had ooit over deze wereldster gehoord.